How to succeed and inspire in unprecedented and
unpredictable times
In the face of unprecedented and unpredictable times and in the face of the greatest trust crisis the world has ever experienced, ‘Climb the Trust Ladder’ brings hope to all.
Find out what you can do to transform the lives of everyone you care about. Read it now and stop wasting time, energy and hard earned cash.
The book lays out an easy to follow manifesto for people looking to live their life, or run their
business based on trust. It’s short, blunt and to the point. You don’t need an MBA to read this book; all you need is an open mind, a desire to succeed and a willingness to be challenged.
Laced with references to some of the world’s greatest thinkers like Jung, Freud, Darwin and Viktor Frankl, Will Murray explains human and organisational dynamics brilliantly and simply.
Will brings everything together to explain stuff you sort of know; but don’t quite get. Like why smart people do daft things, why the more you know, the less you understand and why you’re not normal but definitely different.
Will explains why the world is in the grip of this trust crisis. Why some of the things you’re doing to develop people are actually disengaging them. Why victims, saviours and perpetrators are
smothering innovation and why it’s time to stop investing in failed ideas.
Trust is fragile and slow to build, but it’s also the ultimate fulfilment giver. Whoever you are,
whatever you want out of life, reading this book may just change everything.
Climb the Trust Ladder
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Parented by Facebook, Educated on youtube

Our children’s futures are too important to leave to chance!
We want the best for our kids. We want to protect them. Help them grow. Give them the best opportunities. But it’s hard!
Kids don’t come with instructions. So we do what we feel is right, learn from others, and,
occasionally, make it up as we go. Inevitably, sometimes we get it wrong. And when we do we feel guilty and think we’re failing.
It’s not easy for kids either. They’re exploring who they are. Finding their place in the world. Testing boundaries and learning as they grow.
Parenting doesn’t get tougher than this!
If it wasn’t hard enough, we’re competing against a rising tide of online influences over which we have no control. Kids listen to who they want to. These online influencers are shaping our children’s values and priorities from the second they wake up. The risk is that our kids think the digital revolution is making us irrelevant. Our success as a parent rests entirely on our ability to get our voice heard above the noise.
But it’s not about shouting louder…
Bringing up kids – made simple!
If we want our voice to be one of the ones our children listen to, then we need to connect with them. To understand them. To build trust. To engage them.
Parented by Facebook will equip you to:
Understand your personal parenting style.
Recognise the strengths and preferences of your children so that you can motivate and engage them in ways that suit them best.
Learn to talk openly as a family, to listen to each other, build family trust and stop the blame game.
Avoid jumping in too quickly.
Help your children take greater personal responsibility.
Spot signs of anxiety in family members.
Encourage safe risk taking.
Deal with challenging behaviour.
Written by behaviour expert and Creator of Packtypes, Will Murray, Parented by Facebook, Educated on YouTube is packed with insightful facts and practical strategies for connecting with, inspiring and empowering kids.
It’s to the point, entertaining to read, emotional, challenging and powerful.
Parenting is challenging. But Parented by Facebook, Educated on YouTube is your guide to help make parenting that little bit easier.
£9.99 including P&P!!!